Yoga for Headache Relief
Yoga poses for headaches can help you go a long way to overcoming and coping with headaches. Whether a mild headache or a migraine attack, yoga techniques and practices can help to overcome and minimize the frequency of such occurrences. Yoga postures and breath exercises can be extremely calming and help to relieve stress, which is the biggest cause of headaches. Most headaches that we commonly experience are stress related. Sometimes however headaches may be of a more serious nature and in such situations the headache is simply a symptom. In these scenarios medical attention is necessary to determine the cause before the next course of action can be determined.
No matter which type of yoga you choose, all the yogic disciplines share something in common. They all comprise of the same practices and regimens it is only their strategy or manner of execution that differs. Any discipline of yoga is great for stress relief as the practice of yoga itself reduces stress and tension and promotes relaxation. Stress related headaches can therefore be relieved and even prevented or restricted through the regular and dedicated practice of yoga. Other headaches may have specific causes other than stress that again need to be treated. Headaches exercises that simply relieve the headache will not solve the problem as they are only temporary measures treating the symptom, but neglecting the underlying cause.
Types of headaches differ, depending on the cause, and the treatment also differs accordingly. Some headaches, like one caused by indigestion would of course require dietary changes and possibly changes in lifestyle as well. A sinus headache would do well with aromatherapy and yoga practices with emphasis on pranayam or breath techniques. The focus here is therefore on more general yoga headache treatments.
In the case of a common headache you can use pranayam like alternate nostril breathing to cool down the head. Practice of the sun salutation routine or surya namaskar on a daily basis is also believed to help minimize the occurrence of headaches. The best and most effective poses in yoga for headache are the Legs up the Wall pose or Viparita Karani, the Child Pose or Balasana, and the Corpse pose or Shavasana.
Stiffness of muscles in the area around the neck and shoulders is a major cause for frequent stress headaches. In usch cases you can practice yoga poses for headaches like the uttanasana or Forward Bend, the Downward Facing Dog pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana, the Cobra pose or Bhujangasana, the Bridge pose or Setu Bandasana and the Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana.
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