Insomnia Exercise
Insomnia incidence has risen rapidly in recent decades with the rapidly rising stress levels. This is because stress is the main contributing factor in most cases of insomnia. Yoga has come to extremely helpful in a number of sleep disorders, including insomnia, particularly when stress related. This is because yoga does not simply address the symptoms of stress, which in this case would be the sleep disorder, but it also acts as a remedy for the underlying cause – stress.
Yoga and Insomnia
For almost all patients afflicted with insomnia exercise is beneficial. Regular exercise helps improve sleep and enables you to fall asleep much more easily. Unfortunately not all forms of exercise are effective enough when it comes to tackling stress itself. For this reason when it comes to insomnia and exercise, yoga is your best bet. If you wish to take up yoga for insomnia, vigorous forms like power yoga or ashtanga yoga would work best and must be practiced at least thrice a week. Make it a point however, to practice earlier in the day, and not just before you call it a day. While these forms are recommended because of their intensity, you can even take up other forms of yoga, as any discipline will help and provide you a host of other health benefits.The use of yoga for insomnia as an insomnia alternative treatment has become quite widespread in recent years as researchers and health care providers have begun to take note of the benefits that yoga offers. Yoga is so effective for sleep disorders because it does not just facilitate sleep as do most other exercises, but it improves the quality of sleep, through its stimulatory effect on the brain and nervous system. Certain postures are particularly helpful as they enhance circulation to the region of the brain that affects sleep. This helps to normalize the sleep cycle. Apart from these direct effects, yoga cleanses the body of toxins and rejuvenates and stimulates the functioning of various organs, which in turn implies a reduced need for sleep. Most importantly yoga’s effect of relaxation helps to eliminate stress and therefore improves the quality of sleep.
While a daily yoga routine would be ideal, a practice thrice a week will also help for insomnia. While regular sessions should be conducted during the day, there are certain postures you can practice before going to sleep. The Happy Baby pose or Ananda Balasana, the Goddess pose or Supta Baddha Konasana, and the Corpse pose or Savasana are gentle relaxing poses, ideal to end the day with. In addition to your yoga insomnia treatment however, make sure you follow a healthy lifestyle routine and diet as well.
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