Can't Stick To Your Weight Loss Program? Here's Why

Woman Sad about Dieting

By Erin Upshaw

Many people are very similar to you. They are tired of
constantly trying new exercises and diets that just will
never work. You're motivated at first, but as time progresses
you become tired of it, and you feel as if you have failed

Does this sound like you? Are you wondering why you cannot
stick to your weight loss program? Well, so are many others.
There are many factors that could explain why you cannot
stick to your weight loss program, and this article will
examine a few of them in depth.

Your program may have been a bad program that resulted in
failure. Maintaining an extreme diet will fail on you
because it is too difficult to maintain. Eating specific
fruits or performing weird exercises or workouts for long
periods of time is eventually not sustainable. If you're
looking to stay slim, you've got to pick a routine that you
can maintain consistently for the long-term.

A lack of support from family and friends causes many to
quit their diets. Maybe your family and friends didn't
provide the support you needed in order to say no to that
bite of rich dessert. It could be possible that your
friends had no faith in you or your diet. A fact of life is
the fact that support is critical when focusing on weight
loss. Try joining a weight loss group with others that are
in the same situation, or consider hiring a personal trainer
that will keep you motivated towards your goals.

You could have been dieting incorrectly while exercising too
much, or even dieting without doing a single exercise
routine. The results you expected didn't happen and led you
to quit what you were doing and loose focus. Both diet and
exercise are a necessary combination when doing a workout
program in order to lose weight. No matter what plan,
program, or diet you choose, you must combine a balance of
diet and exercise.

Another reason was that you expected results far too
quickly. Diets take time to work, and your body may take
even more time to adjust to your new diet before weight loss
is noticed. Your body is resistant and will require you to
use diet and exercise to steer it to shed pounds. Stick to
a well designed program, and the results you want will be

A final reason for you to quit your weight loss program
could be that you lacked a bona fide commitment. It is
impossible to begin a new lifestyle with only half the
motivation. Diet and exercise plans require full mental
commitment. You will find yourself taking shortcuts around
your diet and become frustrated when the scale goes up not
down. Personally commit to this workout plan from day 1 and
don't look back. Remember that if you continue to do what
you always did then you will get what you always got.

Most people advertise all kinds of secrets to weight loss,
but the secret never really was a secret. It's the one
truth that we all know: a lifestyle with a healthy diet and
exercise are what will help us all lose weight and stay in
shape. There are no secret tricks or shortcuts to becoming
healthy. You've just read the trick for yourself. You will
not find a "fat buster" cure besides a healthy diet and
exercise. Do your research, pick a workout plan that you
will enjoy, and stay with it. Remember to aim for realistic
and achievable goals and you will be sure to shed those
unwanted pounds.

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for more at ( body fat lose.

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