Building Your Perfect Career: Applying, Interviewing, & Getting the Job!

Continuing from my post on Friday, I wanted to do some research and speak with a few different Human Resource Managers to gain tips and advice on what to do and what not to do while applying and interviewing for a new career. I spoke with 3 different people and three different corporations. Not too surprisingly, they all had very similar advice. I am also going to list a few tips I have gained through experience and research.

My career is the most important thing in my life at this point in my life. Maybe it is yours too; are you finishing college? Are you supporting a family? Are you ready to start challenging yourself to see what you can accomplish? Are you bored and need change? If you can relate to anything I just said, this post may help.

Applying & Before the Interview

 -- First off, do not wait for opportunities, create your own. It can be helpful to post a status on Facebook asking if any of your friends know of anywhere hiring, but do not rely on that. It wastes a lot of time. Most companies now require you to apply online. Here are a list of a few different sites you can apply too:
  • (be cautious of spam)
  • Also check the news section of your local newspaper and your newspaper's website
Another tool I used was Google. Use google to find different businesses in your area that you would be interested in. (i.e.; pharmaceutical businesses in Charlotte, NC). Even if they are not hiring, you can e-mail them your Cover Letter and Resume to keep on file.

-- Make sure you have a Resume and Cover Letter and keep it up to date. You need a Resume to get your career started. If you do not have a Resume, create or have someone help you make one. I love Resume creating and critiquing, so if you need help email me. Your Resume needs to highlight what you are looking for in a career, your education and prior work experience, and also any other information that compliments who you are, such as: volunteering, extracurricular activities, theatrical experience, or maybe even an online blog!
-- Check your email address.  It is best to just use your name in your email address. It identifies you and it is professional. would be a much better idea than while applying for jobs.

-- Know the company. Do not be a serial job applier. Quite frankly that can be very annoying to the employer. Take interest in what you are applying for and why that specific job would be a great match for you. Take time to personalize your Cover Letter to every job you apply too. If you are called for an interview, check up on the company and navigate through their website to learn more. Most times during an interview they will ask you a question about their company. Was their website easy to navigate through? What did you like? If you do not have an answer, it doesn't look good.

If You Get The Interview

Some of this will come as common sense, but every little tip helps. 
  • The night before your interview make sure you get plenty of sleep. 
  • Always bring a hard copy of your Cover Letter and Resume.
  • Arrive 10 minutes early. This shows you are not too early to cause an inconvenience nor do you run last minute.
  • Make sure your cell phone is on silent, not vibrate.
  • Do NOT chew gum.
-- Ladies:
  • Easy on the make-up. Go with earth tone colors for eye shadow, light on the eye liner and blush, and keep the lips simple; a soft red or shinny gloss is best.
  • Clothes need to fitted, neat, and most of all; classy. Not a lot of cleavage nor a short skirt. Closed toe heels usually 4 inches or shorter, are always a great way to play it safe, too.
  • Keep your purse simple as well. Just carry a small, solid color purse or one that has small designs. Carrying a purse with glitter all over it and the words "Baby Girl 4ever" is an example of what not to take.
  • Opt for a smaller hoops or diamonds for earrings as well a necklace.
  • Pants need to be fitted, not baggy
  • I know this may suck sometimes, but tuck your shirt in.
  • DO NOT WEAR WHITE SOCKS WITH BLACK DRESS SHOES. I added that in there for my own enjoyment, because when men do that it drives me crazy :)
-- Speak slowly and clearly. Listen to the question before you jump right in to answer. If you do not understand a question that was asked, you can ask he or she to elaborate or explain instead of conjuring an answer that may not be relevant.

-- Do not speak badly about any past employers.

-- Keep your answers professional, and about your past employment and education experience. Do not incorporate your Spring Break in Cancun nor a crazy girls weekend at the beach with any of your answers.

-- You're not perfect, do not pretend to be. While in your interview do not act arrogant and like you have never made mistakes. We all have room for improvement, they want to know that you understand that.

-- Have your references ready. It is always best to use prior Supervisors, mentor's, or teachers. Ensure that you have their permission also before leaving their name, number, and email address.

After The Interview

-- Thank them. Shake hands, make eye contact, and thank the person for taking time out of their day to interview you. Include that you hope to hear from them soon.

-- Follow up. After 5-7 days have passed, send a follow up email once again thanking them for their time, adding that it was a pleasure to learn more about the company and the position, and that you hope to hear from them soon.

-- Wait. After you send a follow up email or phone call, you need to be patient. Once you interview for a company, it may take 2-4 weeks for them to make a decision. Sometimes you may have to go back in for another interview. If you interview then follow up 5-7 days later, they know you're interested. Do not bug them.

Always remember: Applying and interviewing for jobs can be a long process. I know this for a fact. It took me over a year to find a new career that felt right and fit my needs. It does not matter if you are older, experienced, young, or educated, you have to give it time. More importantly, never give up hope. If you decide to quit searching and give up, ask yourself: "What does that solve?"Go look and find opportunities out there... and work hard for them. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. 
If you had not had a chance to read about my long process of finding a new career, please click here.


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