I moved to Charlotte, NC in March of 2010. I had been applying for jobs for about a month and I took the first offer I was given. First mistake. I did not truly think the job through and determine if I really could see myself growing in this company or even if I would enjoy what I would be doing. Alas, I took the offer because I was so ready to get out of my small town and move to a big city. Plus, I was 20 years old so my career was not really the first issue on my mind. Wow, what a difference a year makes.
I first realized that it was a mistake to take this job 3 weeks after I started. I already had this gut wrenching feeling that that this was absolutely not where I belonged. I immediately started staying up late at night applying for other jobs. I applied so much that I was getting cramps in my fingers, my wrist was hurting, and I was constantly running out of paper and ink from printing my Resume and supporting documents. It was an extremely time consuming task to do, especially with still working and keeping up with my work out's.
Over the course of the next few months I kept applying and I would have interview after interview and no luck. Everyday it was harder and harder to get out of bed. I tired my damnest to keep positive, make the best of my situation, and be thankful that I had a job so I can pay my bills and live in my beautiful apartment. For the most part, it worked. To help battle my depression with my job, I began to write an online blog about my health and fitness journey and because I wanted to help other people. Thus, Liz Taylor Training was born.
When you are an adult and trying to lose weight, if you are depressed from your career, losing weight is the hardest thing to do. When I left work each day, I felt completely drained. All I wanted to do was sleep and eat. I wanted something to keep me accountable, because I knew I could not give up on my health journey even though my job was tearing me apart.
Time goes on and I keep applying and applying and interviewing with no luck. My blog helped me tremendously. My readers do not know how much they mean to me. If you are reading this, then yes, you. This blog helped get me even more excited for my work out's and gave me something to look forward to everyday. I enjoy researching topics and writing about my experiences, no matter good or bad.
This also taught me a huge lesson in applying for jobs. I got to the point where I was so desperate to leave my current job that I was applying for jobs in Charlotte everywhere. I was not even reading the descriptions! I just wanted out. Second mistake. If I were to leave my current company and bounce right on to the next, not only would it make me look like a "job hopper" but what if that job is not a good job either! So I started to slow down and truly think: "What do I want to do?"
I live in South Charlotte in an area called "Ballantyne". It is amazing. It's everything I have always wanted. Safe, clean, beautiful, and so much to do. I knew that I wanted to stay this area. Ballantyne is the corporate mecca for Charlotte so there are tons and tons of great companies to check out and apply for. I started to research the different corporations in Ballantyne and apply solely at those companies. Not only would I use job sites, but I would Google everything. I made opportunities, even if they were not available. I emailed and mailed my Resume and Cover Letter and wrote to the company to keep it on file if there were no positions.
I had a bit of luck. I scored a few interviews. However, after 3-4 months of interviewing in Ballantyne and many many nights of applying, I still did not have an opportunity. I would cry at night and think "what is so wrong with me?". I would pray to God telling him "I feel like Ballantyne is where I am supposed to be, why am I not getting an opportunity?". After nearly a year of applying for jobs, 8 months applying solely in Ballantyne and waiting for jobs in Ballantyne, nothing had worked out.
Finally, last night I get a call. I got a job from a corporation in Ballantyne that I interviewed with a few weeks ago. Not only is it significantly more money, it is much more responsibility (what I want), and only 1 mile from my apartment and gym. How blessed can you get? My first day I will be boarding a plane to Nashville too, for a week! Wish me luck.
I wanted to stress to everyone the importance of hard work, patience, persistence, and not giving up. I had to wait for a year for a great opportunity. And let me tell you - if I could sum up 2010 in two words they would be: I LEARNED. Like I said, I applied so much and for so long I would get cramps, my wrist would hurt, I was constantly buying supplies, and always dealing with rejection. But I never stopped. If you have obligations, do not just "quit" your job and walk away. Not only will you be denied unemployment, you have cut off your income. I continued on my with my job no matter how sad or angry I was. I wanted to just walk out of that place so bad so times times, but I knew I could not just walk away. I have an apartment in my name, bills, and not to mention, the biggest cutest cat in the world who depends on me. So I had to stick it out. I had to deal with rejection upon rejection, crying myself to sleep, and still pushing myself to do the best I could, even when it hurt. Now that I had to wait a year, it truly put everything in perspective.
Though I am only 21 years old, I learned a lot of about my work ethic, what I like and do not like, my strengths, and what I need to improve on. Last year when I first started applying for new jobs I was not ready to take on a bigger career. I still had a lot of learning and growing to do. Plus, in that pain I discovered this blog. I felt like God was ignoring my prayers because I tried so hard and nothing ever worked out, but like always, he had a plan. If you can hold on throughout the bad times and truly open your eyes, you can see that plan.
"In the end, things will work out. If they don't, it's not the end". This is now the end of working this job. If you can weather the storm you will get your rainbow. It is a tough economy, so if you really want to establish yourself in a company and build a successful career you have to work your butt off. You cannot just sit around and wait for something to come your way. Because while you are waiting someone else is already working towards your opportunity. It cannot be given to you, you have to take it.
I know so many of my friends and readers are working a job they feel is dead end and will get them no where. They hate it, but they keep on everyday. If you are not happy where you are, go find your happiness, and work hard to get it. I promise you, it may take 365 days to get where you want to go but it will happen. You have to work hard, be patient, and never give up.
This weekend I will be interviewing three differeNT Human Resource Managers at three different corporations in Ballantyne. I am going to find out qualities they look for, Resume and Cover Letter advice, what to do, and what not to do. I will make a blog entry next week with my findings and research. Hopefully if you are going through what I went through, this can help you improve, and start toget to where you truly want to be!
Have a great weekend guys!
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