Making the decision to get yourself healthy, lose weight, build muscle, compete, or anything similar, is so much more than physically changing yourself. Most of it is mental. Writing in my blog and you all being able to read my entries can help get you amped for your work out's but all comes down to you. Step 1 in keeping your motivation in the gym is accepting that you are fully responsible for your progress.

Once you understand that your progress lies in your hands, you're off to a good start. I knew that when I made the decision to lose weight that I could not depend on anyone but myself. My trainer, my mom, my friends -- no one but me. I am solely responsible for my changes. If I want to lose 100 pounds, I am going to have to push my limits. It is hard but it is just the truth. Why are so many American's and people across the world overweight? It is so easy. It's easy to just eat whatever you want and not incorporate any exercise in your life. I have some tips and advice that I use and put into my daily life that can help you, but it all dwindles down to you pushing yourself.
Tips for keeping your motivation:
-- When you are tired, lazy, and just do not feel like working out or going to the gym, stop and ask yourself: "Why did I make this decision in the first place?" When I know that I need to go to the gym and work out but I am just being lazy, I remember the reasons why I made this decision in the first place. Some of my reasons were: I was a size 24 in jeans, I was 19 years old at 270 pounds, I looked completely different than I did 2 years prior, I hated my reflection, and I never felt pretty. On those days I reminded myself of how I used to feel and that was enough to to get my butt in there.
-- Another idea you can do is write down your reasons and keep them with you or close to you so you can get them out and read them whenever you feel your motivation is losing.
-- Keep a before picture or the most non-flattering picture you have ever taken close to you. Keep in your purse, car, wallet, etc and take it out, look at it, and remember where you used to be.

-- Keep track of your progress. Write in a notepad, journal, or online blog about your journey. Document your weight so you can keep seeing the change, and write down obstacles you have overcome in the gym. This is especially effective, in my opinion. I weight myself once a week, first thing in the morning. I would document my weight each week. Seeing the change on the scale and my body kept me excited and wanting to work hard so that I could see the change for the next week. I would add a little intensity to my cardio because I knew that I was going to have to weigh the next day. Every little bit of change you can do or add can help.
-- Set goals. I lose weight just because I want too and I enjoy the challenge. Some people need more than that and I completely understand. Set little goals for yourself to see if you can accomplish them. Do you want to run a mile in 8 minutes? Do you want to be able to use the Elliptical for 30 minutes non stop and burn 400 calories? Do you want to lose 15 pounds before your beach trip or wedding? Think of something that you would like to accomplish and challenge yourself to see if you can do it.
-- My last idea for you to do to keep you motivated is a sign for your refrigerator. My weakness with my journey has been food. I have come to realize that when you give in to your cravings, you only get the 10 minutes it takes to eat it, as pleasure. Afterwards you regret eating it and you're kicking yourself in the butt. Remind yourself of that when you feel a big craving come on. I have a note that says "Liz which is better: 10 minutes of pleasure in junk food or the daily pleasure seeing changes in your body".
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