It is hard to believe it is almost May! It feels like 2011 just started. It crept up fast and most pools and water parks are opening this weekend! Are you bikini ready? Still need a little bit more time? Here are 5 tips that can help boost your bikini readiness. Just because it is Spring doesn't mean you need to give up on your healthy eating and exercise. Keep training hard.
1.) High Intensity Interval Training (2 times a week) -
Interval training is perfect for maximizing your caloric burn. You are constantly changing motion and making your heart and body work harder. Studies have shown that this is far more effective in terms of burning body fat than puttering along for a longer duration at an easier pace. I would recommend 45 minutes one day, then 25 minutes a few days later, totaling H.I.I.T twice a week. Ideas: Tredmill: 5 minute warm-up walk at 3.5 MPH, 30 second sprint at 7.5 MPH or higher then follow with a 60 second cool-down at 3.5-4.5 MPH, and repeat the interval for 40 minutes. Stepmill: 30 second sprint at 140 SPM (Steps Per Minute) then follow with a cool-down at 80 SPM and repeat.
2.) No Carbs after 5PM -
Fuel up on complex carbohydrates at breakfast and lunch. You will not only burn more calories throughout the day, your energy levels will be up. You will concentrate better at school and work, plus have enough energy to ensure an awesome work out in the evening. Post work out and later in the evening focus on eating lean protein and lots of vegetables. Meals like this in the evening will help you lose weight a lot faster, digest quicker, and keep you full so you do not binge after a long hard day of working and exercise. Trust me from experience! Ideas: tonight for dinner I sauteed chicken, mushrooms, and broccoli for my post work-out meal! You can add in some peas, carrots, green beans, and my personal favorite; asparagus. I saute in Extra Light Olive Oil or chicken broth.
3.) Get Plenty Of Rest -
I know you probably hear this constantly, but it makes a ton of difference. Sleep is essential in repairing your body and charging you up for the next day. You not only eat better on lots of rest but you are able to focus and execute your daily tasks. Think about it; waking up from a good night's rest is the best way to start any day. You are able to think clearly, stay focused, and work harder.
4.) Add Squats To Your Work Out Regime -
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you do not have "squats" in your weekly exercise regime, add them now to get amazing legs for the summer. If there is a single weight training exercise that improves your lower body, this is it. It helps tone the inner and outer thighs as well as lifts the booty. Plus, with this exercise being so intense, it is great for calorie burning. We all want to look hot in a bikini, pair of shorts, skirt, or swimming trunk.
5.) Substitute The Cravings -
Whether it is late at night and you're watching TV and you want that bowl of ice-cream or it is the middle of the day at work and you want a bag of chips from the vending machine - fight it! I always recommend treating yourself once a week with a meal you really want, but it is crunch time now! Keep your treat once a week and that's it. Keep healthy alternatives near when you feel a craving coming on. Most cravings last 20-30 minutes, so if you keep yourself busy and choose a healthier choice, it will pass. Ideas: I keep Crystal Light Fruit Punch powder near me to add to my water for a sweet treat. Add the powder, water, and ice into a blender and you have a frozen treat. Try fresh strawberries and bananas with fat free whip cream instead of ice-cream or sugar free come or a mint instead of candy. Also, try drinking water. Sometimes our body feels hungry but it is just dehydration. Keep a check on how much water you a drinking so you will know if maybe that is the reason you are feeling more hungry.
Things To Remember:
- Do not worry about getting the parking spot closest to the store, a little walking never hurt anyone!
- Take the stairs, not the elevator. Come on, it does not take that much longer!
- Have water or flavored water instead of soda.
- Get grilled chicken in your salad, not fried. Order Top Sirloin instead of Ribeye. Light whole wheat bread instead of white.
- Stay organized! Plan your days accordingly so you can make sure you incorporate enough time for your work outs.
- Buy your veggies fresh or frozen NOT canned
- If you're busy and on the go, keep a protein bar or handful of almonds in your purse, bookbag, etc to help fight hunger and keep you from grabbing fast food.
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