Upcoming Blog Entries:
I have some awesome blog entries in the works that will be coming up soon:
- Body After Baby - helping women lose the baby weight
- Benefits and descriptions of different vitamins and supplements
- The dangers of stimulants
- Inside the Grocery Cart part 3 - The Food That Has Helped Me Lose Over 100 Pounds
- Diets throughout time - the benefits and problems of different fads
- The Perfect Bikini for your body shape
- Tips to avoid gaining weight on vacation

So make sure you do not go far because there is more awesome things coming!
My Contest Update:
If you have entered my 90 day weight loss challenge that began in January, there is good news. It was originally supposed to end on April 20th, but I have extended it due to several emails I have received asking for a little more time. I know it is very hard to stick with a long range healthy journey, I've been there. However, you can't stop. It's almost bathing suit season and you have an additional month to get your body beach ready. Work harder this next month than you ever had. If you need an extra boost, check out my 5 Step Weight Loss Program. Contest ends May 20th!
Full Website - finally almost here.
It has taken quite some time to get my full website worked out the way I want it to be. It almost completely finished - the only obstacle left to do is change the formatting of my blog to be parallel to the new site so I can make changes, edit, and update. My partner and I have got this settled and that will be done soon. Finally the full website is almost here! Check out this Live Preview of Liz Taylor Training!
Reader Giveaways and Opinions:
I have received some pretty awesome stuff from different health, fitness, and cosmetic companies that I will be giving away to my reader's! I will do little contests and it will be easy to enter. Also, if you have any questions, suggestions, or there is an issue that you would like be to write about please email me anytime at liz@liztaylortraining.com!
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