Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is an integrated means of synchronizing the mind and body. This discipline has its origins in India many centuries ago. Yoga is an individual experience and most people will experience personal growth in different ways after practicing yoga. It is a way of life and is not only an excellent form of exercise, but is also renowned for spiritual growth.
To strike this balance, yoga uses Asanas and Pranayama. Asanas are physical exercises or postures that help build your stamina and improve your posture. Pranayama or breathing exercises infuse a state of calm and help improve concentration levels. Thus, yoga is a powerful combination of body movements and meditation. It enables you to reach a state of harmony and healing in day-to-day life.
Yoga Lifestyle
In everyday life, practicing yoga Asanas will help build your endurance levels. This is because stretching of the muscles stimulates blood flow to different body parts and encourages circulation of blood. Moreover, the tendons and ligaments get lubricated, thereby increasing your flexibility. Yoga Asanas improve metabolism levels as well, and can help tone your body and aid the weight loss process. It is believed that the Asanas can also help improve the functioning of the lymph system, which is responsible for the defense of the body. Yoga has been proven to stimulate the endocrine system, and can help correct any hormonal imbalances you might have. As Asanas target different body parts such as the limbs, head, back, and even the internal organs, the overall balance of your body improves.Pranayama improves your breathing rate and is effective against respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. The respiratory exercises increase the duration for which you can hold your breath and consequently help regulate your heart rate and blood pressure levels. While performing breathing exercises, you can also try chanting or the recitation of mantras. This is known to help channel your energy into a positive direction. Practicing Pranayama regularly also helps to improve concentration and memory levels. You can also meditate while performing Pranayama. Meditation is shown to be effective against psychological problems such as stress and depression. Meditation is also useful in helping you achieve emotional balance.
Yoga has an analgesic effect and through the yoga way of life, both your mind and body are relaxed. Therefore, practicing yoga regularly incorporates healthy and beneficial practices into your lifestyle. It is due to this holistic, total body approach that yoga is increasingly becoming relevant as a way of life.
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