Yoga and Health
People try different types of exercises in order to stay fit and healthy. Yoga is a popular alternative exercise that improves both physical and mental health. Yoga is a holistic form of exercise that targets the body and mind. It has been practiced for centuries. Yoga is probably one of the oldest forms of exercise and has its roots in ancient India.
Yoga involves physical poses or exercise knows an Asanas and breathing exercises known as Pranayama. The yoga Asanas build your stamina and improve your endurance. Too much physical strain can harden the soft tissue in your body, eventually making you stiff and less agile. Through the yoga Asanas, you can deal with strain and injury. The Asanas are also effective in reversing the signs of aging to some extent.
Exercising your muscles increases blood flow to different parts of the body and thereby improves blood circulation. This also increases the flow of nutrients to various body parts and systems. Regular practice of these postures also improves the strength of the tendons and ligaments, which helps keep your body flexible. It also helps to correct the body’s alignment and improves posture. Yoga is also effective in weight loss and toning your body.
Asanas can also help improve the functioning of the lymph system, responsible for the defence of the body, thereby flushing out toxins from your system. Yoga has been proven to stimulate the endocrine system, and can help correct any hormonal imbalances you might have.
Pranayama improves the functioning of the respiratory system and also normalizes breathing. This helps regulate your heart-rate and lower your blood pressure, a useful preventive measure against any cardiovascular disease. It also aids respiratory conditions like asthma by clearing the air passages. For emotional stress, Pranayama is extremely useful in alleviating restlessness and even depression. It is known to aid the functioning of the nervous system and relieve nervous tension. Pranayama has also shown significant evidence in improving memory and concentration levels.
Yoga helps you to achieve a balance between your mind and body. The physical exercises help to tone your body while the meditation techniques taught in Yoga help to exercise your mind. In this manner, Yoga ensures perfect mental and physical health. This is one of the reasons why the practice of Yoga has been gaining in popularity by leaps and bounds. You can learn how to harness the wisdom of ancient Indian mystics for your benefit by practicing yoga.
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