Yoga for Blood Pressure | Hypertension exercise

Blood Pressure Alternative Treatment

When your heart beats, it pumps blood throughout your body. This pushing of the blood requires a certain pressure that is known as blood pressure. Sometimes, for various reasons such as obesity, improper diet, hereditary reasons, or anxiety, this blood pressure increases and results in hypertension. Sometimes, the opposite can also occur where there is a fall in blood pressure (hypotension) due to toxins or hormonal abnormalities, amongst other problems.

Instead of taking blood pressure drugs, you could try an alternative therapy like yoga for effective results. Yoga is renowned for its therapeutic benefits. Yoga uses Asanas, or physical exercises, and Pranayama, or breathing exercises, to improve overall health and well-being. This discipline has its origins in India and has been practiced for centuries.

Yoga for High Blood Pressure - Hypertension

Hypertension and hypotension affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems and organs such as the heart, lungs, and nerves. There are a number of yoga Asanas you can perform to regulate your blood pressure. Practicing the Prasarita Padottana Asana (Standing forward leg spread pose) can regularize blood flow to the brain and is useful in calming the nerves. This in turn helps reduce stress levels and thereby regulates blood pressure. Sukha Asana, or the meditative, pose soothes the entire body and relaxes the nerves, and is also helpful in regulating blood pressure.

If you are battling hypertension specifically, the dog or the cat pose (Adho Mukha Shvana Asana) is the most beneficial yoga for healing hypertension. This posture mimics the stretching action of these animals. As your spine is in a horizontal position, this Asana allows the heart to slow down, and there is no stress to pump blood. As the heart rate reduces, the blood pressure is simultaneously controlled. Additionally, headstands (Sirsha Asana) and shoulder-stands (Sarvanga Asana) are also useful. This is because in inverted poses, gravity causes the blood to flow easily back through the veins and this brings the blood pressure down.

For hypotension, the Warrior poses (Virbhadra Asana) is especially useful. The warrior poses involves standing poses that stretch your limbs. These difficult stretches increase the heart rate and also blood pressure levels. Additionally, the Plough pose (Hala Asana), where you lift your legs behind your head while lying down, is also beneficial. This pose encourages blood supply to different body parts and thus increases blood pressure levels.

Anulom vilom (Alternate nostril breathing) is a useful deep breathing exercise that involves inhaling and exhaling at a rhythmic pace through alternate nostrils. Thus, this method is useful in regulating blood pressure.

Resource: Super Sea Veg Pristine Ocean Blend.


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