Spring Time - Watch Those Allergies

Man Sneezing into Tissue

Sneezing, stuffy head, runny nose, itchy eyes are all signs
of allergies. With Spring on it's way many are jumping to
get outdoors and have some fun. But many others are
dreading the annoying Spring time allergy symptoms that come
along with the great outdoors.

Some people think that they just tend to get Spring colds,
when instead it is actually allergies. Allergies have the
same symptoms of a cold. But, if the cold lingers or you
get them frequently chances are it is really allergies.
Your health care provider can help you determine whether it
is or not.

In the Spring pollen is the primary allergen to cause
problems. Pollen can be present as early as February
depending on your location. If you live in a hot and humid
area mold and fungus can play a big roll in allergies.

There is not much difference between a cold and an allergy.
The major difference is that a cold is caused by an actual
virus that you come into contact with. An allergy works a
little different, it is caused by exposure to the allergen.

Pollen is not the only bothersome allergen. Some are
allergic to other thinks such as; cedar, grasses, flowers,
chemicals and pesticides and even pet dander. No matter the
cause most of these allergens cause the same symptoms.

Now we have only talked about Spring allergies. There is a
whole group of allergens that cause a different reaction.
You could be allergic to something like insects, food,
detergents, soaps and medications. These symptoms can be
more troublesome. Hives, rashes and shock are all

If you are not sure what you are allergic to your medical
provider or specialist can perform a skin allergy test. It
is very simple. They introduce the most common culprits
into your bloodstream and watch for a reaction.

It is best to see your doctor while you are having the
troublesome symptoms. This makes it easier for them to
determine what is causing the allergy. It is not a good
idea to not treat Spring allergies, they can make you more
vulnerable to sinus and respiratory infections.


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