Yoga Diet
Yoga is a holistic fitness regime that has been practiced across the world for hundreds of years. The word yoga literally means union, it is a practice that unites the various forms of our bring and creates a harmony between them. Through a series of gentle postures, breathing techniques and meditative practices the body, mind and spirit achieve an optimal balance.
When undertaken regularly, yoga has many benefits. But just pursuing yoga alone will not help you achieve your goals. Yoga has to be backed by a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.
Eating the right food is an important aspect of yoga as it is said to determine an individual’s physical and emotional make up. In yoga, foods that are good for the body and for mental and emotional strength are referred to as “pure” (satvic) foods. On the other hand foods that harm the body and upset the harmony are referred to as “impure" (tamasic) and “stimulating” (rajasic). The aim of any yoga diet is to include as many pure foods as possible and to eliminate as many impure and stimulating food items as possible from the meal.
Foods that are considered ideal and pure generally are nourishing, high on basic nutrients required by the body and easy to digest. They boost energy and help maintain mental clarity. It enhances mental and physical capabilities, allowing you to do more without being bogged down.
The essence of a traditional yoga diet lies in vegetarianism. This includes dairy products. Vegetarian diet is preferred over meat as meat takes longer for the body to break down and digest. Instead yoga advocates a fresh and green diet. Vegetarian diet is known to promote and boost cardiovascular health. A vegetarian diet also improves digestive function. This keeps the body light and energized. Of course this isn’t a binding rule. If you are a non-vegetarian, simply ensure you include lots of greens along with the meat. This will help maintain a balanced diet. If you eat large portions of red meat, be sure to supplement it with a high fiber diet as fiber boosts the digestive function of the body.
Yoga advocates fresh prepared meals. Pre-cooked and packaged foods are full of preservatives and chemicals. These harm the body, especially in case of long-term use. Canned and frozen foods contain too many additives. They are also very high in sugar content and calories. As a result you put on weight and are also bogged down by lethargy and sluggishness. In stead, substitute these meals with fresh fruits and vegetables. These are nutritious and delicious.
It is also essential that you eat. A yoga diet does not mean you cut out all the healthy food from your diet and stick to soups and salads. It is essential to include essential carbohydrates along with proteins in your meal. Eat five small meals a day for optimal body functioning.
It is also very important to stay hydrated. Drink at least eight glasses of water everyday. Also develop the habit of drinking herbal teas and fresh fruit and vegetable juices. These are excellent sources of nutrients, replenish body fluids, flush out toxins and rejuvenate the body. They also help you stay away from unhealthy, fried foods.
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