Yoga for Constipation | Remedy for Constipation

Constipation Remedies

Constipation or irregularity is a condition of the digestive system where a person experiences hard feces that are difficult to eliminate. It is the retention of stools or the inability to have a bowel movement for any reason. The stool is hard and difficult to pass. Headaches, lethargy, depression, a coated tongue, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and anemia are some of the symptoms of constipation. Wrong food habits with little or no vegetables or a deficiency of vitamins can cause constipation. Some of the other causes are dehydration, medication, crude drugs like opium, paralysis, and a sedentary life style.

Yoga for constipation

What can I do? This is where yoga steps in. Some of the Asanas are helpful to relieve constipation., or the Cobra pose (Bhujanga Asana), alleviates constipation and intestinal gas. The triangle pose (Trikona Asana), stretches and tones your spinal nerves and aids digestion. The Half spinal twist (Ardha Matsya Asana) is very useful in curtailing constipation. The reclining hero or heroine pose (Supta Vajra Asana), stretches the abdomen, thighs and deep hip flexors, knees, and ankles, and helps in easing constipation and improves digestion. You can take the assistance of an experienced yoga instructor if you are not sure as to how to perform these Asanas.

Constipation Cure

Dietary changes: A change in diet will also help you fight constipation. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. You should limit or avoid sugar or processed food as much as possible. Instead, add dietary fiber to retain water and assist bowel movement.

Oat bran and ground flaxseed bran should be a part of your daily diet. Eating lots of raw fruit or vegetables will increase your fiber intake. Coconut, avocados, dates, dried apricots, nuts, olives, figs, green apples, and grapes are laxative in nature. Beans, peas, and other legumes decrease the chances for constipation.

You may also have a glass of warm milk before going to bed or drink warm water in the morning and go for a short walk as this will reduce constipation. Two or three glasses of lemon juice will lessen the condition. One or two spoons of aloe gel are also beneficial. Add some fennel to warm water and drink the mixture every night to improve your bowel movements. A daily intake of guava in the morning will also reduce the problem.

Other guidelines: Chew your food well and eat regular, small quantities of meals during the day. Food allergies too can cause constipation, so find out which foods you are allergic to and avoid them. Avoid fast foods and spicy fried foods. Follow these simple guidelines and perform these Yoga Asanas regularly and say goodbye to constipation.


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