Yoga for Concentration | Improve Concentration

Improving Concentration

Memory and concentration are critical to our lives. They are actually essential, and not just important to our lives, as without them can not get through a normal day. Our memories are basically retained information that has been gathered from the past, and this body of knowledge helps us to gauge situations. Concentration is so vital an aspect of yoga because of the three sided focus of the yoga. Yoga being a holistic discipline it strives towards, physical, mental or emotional and spiritual enlightenment.

Most of us are plagued with stress and various worries and pressures because of the fast paced and highly competitive lives we lead. As a result of this we are never completely relaxed and therefore we can not function to our fullest potential. The effects of stress are particularly inhibiting on our powers of concentration, with a weakened attention span and poor focus being the common fallouts. For this reason yoga and concentration are so relevant today.

Yoga to Improve Concentration

Concentration is essential for any degree of advancement or growth in a yoga practice. Yoga as you must be aware, comprises of sets of asanas or poses, and pranayam, or breath techniques. Concentration is not only essential for the practice of meditation, but is also cultivated and developed through the process. Meditation is in fact one of the most fundamental concepts of yoga, and no yoga session or learning exercise can be complete without it. Through your regular practice of yoga you will find the various techniques of yoga to improve concentration.

There are also various asanas or poses that are used as concentration techniques. Improving concentration through the use of yoga is not a new concept and this has been in fact done for quite a while now. Quite logically poses like the Lotus Pose or Easy Pose, which are suited for meditation, are also ideal for concentration. Yoga for concentration purposes would therefore not differ much from a yoga routine for meditation.

Yoga is so effective for concentration for a variety of reasons. The fact that it is a holistic discipline that enhances every aspect of your health, whether physical, mental or spiritual is encouraging. A healthy individual is much more alert and attentive than someone who is unhealthy. The various yoga poses also promote relaxation and are therefore extremely effective as a stress relief mechanism. Practice of the various asanas or poses also improves blood flow and circulation to the various parts of the body, including the brain. This again enhances the functioning of the brain and helps to improve concentration.

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