What is Asthma?
Asthma is an extremely common respiratory condition. A person suffering from asthma will experience a narrowing of the bronchial tubes, which causes difficulty breathing. This narrowing is often triggered by pollutants, allergens, or irritants. As asthma attack may also result when the person is suffering from a common cold. An asthma attack is typically characterized by wheezing and shortness of breath; at times, there may also be coughing. It is difficult to identify an asthma cure; however, there are several medications and exercises for asthma that are known to alleviate symptoms and prevent the occurrence of an attack. Given that there are no cures for asthma per se, exercise for asthma and yoga for asthma are considered to part of the various alternative treatments that are adopted to reduce attacks.
Yoga for Asthma
Yoga benefits the body by allowing it to achieve a state balance in which the mind, body, and soul are all in perfect harmony. Most yoga routines include a set of asanas or poses, accompanied by pranayama or breathing exercises. These breathing exercises, in particular, are extremely helpful for those suffering from asthma as they help in improving the functioning of the lungs. It should be noted that while these yoga asanas as well as pranayama are effective means of reducing attacks and alleviating symptoms, they should not be practiced in isolation. Medical care is equally necessary and should be sought at all times. Below are some of the popular asanas that when practiced regularly have been known to be effective against asthma.Easy pose (or Sukhasana): This yoga pose is essentially meant for meditation. It is one of the most relaxing poses in yoga and helps in brining peace and calm to the mind. Since it involves deep breathing, it also helps in fighting asthma.
Corpse pose (or Savasana): Similar to the easy pose, the corpse pose is also a mediation pose. In this pose, the body is a supine position, the metabolism rate is slowed, breathing is deep, and the entire body is in a relaxed state. This pose is often performed before the easy pose and is also known to be effective against asthma.
Alternate nostril breathing technique (or Anuloma Viloma): The Anuloma Viloma is one of the pranayama techniques. This is extremely helpful for those with asthma as it helps in opening up the respiratory passages and improving lung functioning. This breathing technique requires you to breath in with one nostril, hold your breath, and then exhale from the other nostril.
Other asanas that are helpful for those suffering from asthma include dandasana (staff pose), baddha konasana (reclining bound angle pose), upavista konasana (wide leg forward bend pose), virasana (hero pose), supta baddha konasana (variation of the reclining bound angle pose), supta virasana (variation of the hero pose), setubandha sarvangasana (bridge pose), adhomukha svanasana (downward facing dog pose), uttanasana (standing forward bend pose), and tadasana samasthithi (variation of the mountain pose). These asanas if practiced regularly can help in alleviating the symptoms of asthma as well as prevent the occurrence of attacks. However, remember, to consult a physician before beginning any exercise regime. Also, medical care must never be ignored.
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