The Fruit And Vegetable Guide To Healthy Living

Cornucopia with fruit and vegetables

Foods such as fruits and vegetables contain not only the
vitamins and minerals that are often found in supplements,
but also other naturally occurring substances that may help
protect you from chronic diseases.

Variety also is important because fruits and vegetables
provide other nutrients, such as folate, potassium, calcium,
and iron, which every single public health agency recommends
3 to 5 servings every day.

Using herbs or seasoning instead of butter or fat could make
vegetables more distinctive. Vegetables may be raw or
cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated; and may
be whole, cut-up, or mashed. But certainly the acid test or
taste of the good cook will be in the preparation of

The idea of using raw vegetables is the most desirable for
any menu, and especially for the low-fat menus and raw food
diets, since many of the vital vitamins and minerals in
vegetables may be destroyed by cooking.

The raw food diet is said to provide you with quick weight
loss results. Use raw vegetables almost exclusively, since
the vitamin value is at peak this way, and the crispness of
the vegetables is most appetizing. Various combinations can
be used with vegetables, cottage cheese, or gelatin recipes.

Along with vegetables, fruits also contain virtually no fat
and are entirely free of any cholesterol. When fresh fruits
are not in season, use dried, canned, or frozen fruits.
There is no much restriction on the use of fruits, which are
also certainly ideal for desserts, except avocado and
coconut, which are both very high in fat content and thus
should be used less.

Fruits and vegetables salads are very popular and often
served before a main course. However, a well-constructed
vegetable or fruits salad can be served as a meal all alone
in a low fat or raw food diet.

Aspic salads are excellent when prepared with vegetables or
vegetable juices. And gelatin salads are special favorites
to many, especially when made with fruit juices instead of
water. If cottage cheese is added to gelatin and aspic
salads, more protein and "body" results.

Eating fruits and vegetables may lower the risk of cancer,
particularly cancers of the gastrointestinal tract,
according to a high-level international review of research
findings. And also helps reduce the risk of heart disease,
high blood pressure, diabetes and cataracts.


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