Yoga for Child
In recent years, Yoga has gained recognition for its therapeutic and physical fitness benefits. However off late, it has also become a recommended form of exercise for children. Yoga poses help to increase flexibility and balance and also helps to foster a more relaxed and focused mind. There are also several breathing exercises that help the child to de-stress and relax. Yoga has also been found to be an excellent form of exercise for hyperactive and attention-deficit children.
Yoga Poses for Children
There are three poses that are considered to be essential to a children’s Yoga session.- The Tree pose: This is a standing exercise. The children first stand in an upright but relaxed position with their feet together. The sole of one foot is then placed against the inside portion of the thigh of the other leg. The foot must not be resting against the kneecap or any lower. First timers may find it a little tough to balance and can use the support of a wall if needed. Once they have steadied themselves, they can lift their arms up to point towards the sky. Children who are not yet used to this position can also keep their arms outstretched to balance and steady themselves.
- The Cat pose: This is a favorite pose among younger kids as it is simple to perform. The body is made to resemble that of an angry cat so smaller kids may enjoy making mewing sounds while doing this pose. The first steep of this pose is to go down on all fours. They have to then arch their spine upwards towards the sky.
- The Wheel pose: This is a slightly tougher pose to perform but kids generally get the hang of it quite easily as they are very flexible. The children have to lie on their backs and then place their palms on the floor next to their head with their fingers pointed towards their feet. The knees are slightly apart and the soles of the feet are flat on the floor. They have to then Use the muscles of the hands and feet to push themselves upwards. The body must be arched completely with the belly facing the ceiling. It may take some time for children to master this pose but it is a muscle strengthening pose that helps to increase flexibility and strengthens the back muscles.
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