Cervical Spondylitis
Cervical spondylitis generally refers to the 'wear and tear' that occurs in the joints and bones in the neck as we grow older. This usually leads to episodes of stiffness and neck pain. In some cases, if a nerve becomes pinched, the entire length of the nerve can be affected and can hurt other parts of your body as well. Additionally, if the bones in the neck start to press against the blood vessels, it can reduce blood flow to the brain and cause other complications. Simple cases of cervical spondylitis can be helped with an alternative therapy called yoga rather than with medicinal drugs.
Yoga is a discipline that involves physical and mental practices. It originated in India more than three thousand years ago. It is extremely useful for cervical spondylitis as it can be used to build strength and stamina through exercises called ‘asanas’, and provide spiritual healing as well, through breathing techniques known as ‘pranayama’.
Yoga Cure for Cervical Spondylitis
To begin with the asanas, ‘Halasana’ or the plough pose requires you to lie on your back flat, and then lift your legs behind your head. In this pose, nerve compression in the neck is released, freeing this area from any stiffness and tension. The next pose you could try is the ‘Marichyasana’ or the sage twist, where you need to sit down, bend one leg, rotate your torso towards that leg, and clasp both your hands over that leg. This gives your neck a lateral stretch ensuring the elasticity of the neck muscles.If the pain in your neck has spread to your back, you could perform the ‘Dhanurasana’ or the bow pose, where you need to lie on your stomach, raise your legs and hold your legs with hands behind your back. This pose will help improve spinal flexibility and strengthen the back. It also loosens your shoulder and arm areas. Additionally, if you are flexible enough, you could try a head or shoulder stand. Both these poses will help extend your spine and reduce any discomfort in that area. These poses will also increase blood flow to the brain preventing any brain conditions.
You can also try deep breathing techniques, where you inhale and exhale long breaths very slowly. This provides an overall feeling of relaxation and causes any tightness in the body to go away.
Remember to go to a reliable practitioner before practicing the poses, as doing them wrong will do more harm than good. If the condition persists, please consult a doctor.
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