The below mental realizations are different components that I have put together to create my power of positive thinking:
Discover who you are.
My first step was taking a look inside and figuring out exactly who I am. My strengths, weaknesses, flaws – and accepting every part of me. Jealously is absolutely something you have to let go. That is nothing but wasted time on negative energy. Eliminating negativity is key. I am not the most beautiful woman in the world to most eyes, but why let that define me? There is more to me than looks. So much of the world now is fixated on looks. Are you only as deep as the make-up on your face, the bag around your wrist, or the dress on your body? No. I took time to make sure I looked good on the inside before I cared so much about my outward appearance. If one relies on their looks for their happiness or peace of mind, is sure cause for a torubled life. What if you are in a car accident and lose a limb? What if an injury disables you from being active and so fit? Looks cannot be who you are. I have found so joy in discovering and finding out about myself – my personality, my sense of humor—the different parts that make me Liz.
I am in Control of My Life.
I hate it when people sulk around about that bad things that are happening in their life. Life has no guarantees for anyone and life is going to get hard. Accept that. When life gets hard for me, I find a way to change that negativity. Sometimes it may take a long time for change to come, but inevitably, it will happen. A lot of people may be miserable at their job like I was a year ago. I knew it was not the place for me so I derived a plan. I applied and applied for different jobs, countless interviews, and finally after one year of being patient, not giving up, and creating an opportunities for myself, I found a new job. I have been extremely happy ever sense. We are in control of our life, if you do not like something, change it. Do not waste all of your time being made, feeling sorry yourself, and do nothing about it. If you never give up, you can be astonished at the possibilities you can create.
No one is Perfect.
There is always room for improvement no matter who you are. From the President of the United States to a cashier at McDonald’s, no one is perfect. I realize that I need to continually evaluate myself and understand that I do make mistakes and that I can always count them as a lesson learned and try to improve myself. No one is never too old to try and be a better person.
Setting Goals.
I think this is an extremely important characteristic in creating positive thinking. Constantly set new goals and challenges for yourself to overcome and achieve. This produces belief in yourself ultimately leads to more self-confidence - which elimates jealously, which elimates negativity and hate. It is all a connected formula. I give myself new challenges everyday. Whether I push myself in the gym to run an extra mile, or spend extra time a special project at work - I want to constantly push my limits and see how much I can achieve.
Selflessness - help other people.
It is not all about me. If I ever need help, more friends, or want someone to care, then I have to give what I want put into me. Helping other people is one one of the most gratifying and eye opening experiences I think anyone can have. There is always someone else who has it worse than you do and in help others I have really learned how to count my blessings and savor what I have in my life, plus aquire the drive to work for more.
This may be last, but it is certainely not least. I have accepted responsbility for myself and realized that I cannot blame or depend on anyone but me. I am the foundation to my life. Divorces happen, people pass away and can betray you - you cannot rely on anyone but yourself for full support in life. I realize that I need to work hard for what I want and cannot expect it to have it handed to me. I have to go chase my hopes and dreams. From what I have accomplished thus far, being independent has taught how to savor life and instills drive in me to always go for for more.
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