4 Ingredients to Build Your Own Fat Burner

I know a lot of people want to lose weight and often times I asked the famous question: “What is a good fat burner I can use to help me lose weight?”. Today I am not going to recommend one for you to buy, but yet give you 4 ways that you can create your own. There is no magic pill

There are 4 main ingredients:
1) Proper nutrition
2) Exercise
3) Sleep/Rest
4) Time

First, You need to eat correctly. 5-6 small meals a day between 250-400 (depending upon your health) calories is the best way to prevent prolonged hunger and keep your metabolism working hard throughout the day. Ensure you are consuming adequate lean proteins, complex carbs, and good fats. If you want to improve your metabolism this is the way to do it, not a pill.  

Meal Ideas:
Inside the Grocery Cart: Part 3  (links for part 1 and 2 are included on that entry)

 Second, you need to get plenty of exercise. Strength and circuit training with weights, cardiovascular training particularly endurance and interval training, MMA, playing sports, or any type of activity that gets your heart rate up. You need to burn more calories than you consume. A pill will not magically burn the fat in your body and tone you.  Exercise does this.

Fitness Ideas:

Third, you need to get plenty of rest. This is to help you recover mentally and physically. Losing weight and building muscle is more challenging mentally than physically. Sleep is imperative on your journey to help you keep a clear mind and maintain focus. As humans we always feel like we have so much to do and never enough time, so the main source we cut is our sleep. I know I am guilty of it. Nonetheless, sleep is something that does not need to be decreased while you are trying to lose weight. If anything an extra hour would not hurt.

Finally you have to understand that losing weight takes time. Years and years of poor eating habits and inactivity lead to severe weight gain. Therefore it will take extensive time for all of the weight to come off. Like I stated above, losing weight is more of a challenge mentally than it is physically. You are mentally going to have to push yourself to eat correctly and exercise, no one is responsible for your results but you. Put in the time to learn different ways to cook your meals properly, acquire new exercises, and then actually execute everything and over time you will have the results.

Motivational Reads:

Bottom line, there is no magic pill that I can recommend that is taken twice a day, requires no other life changes, and magically makes you tone and lose weight. Sadly, it just does not work like that. Can you buy a college degree? No you have to work for it. Same with weight loss. The 4 steps listed above, combined together, is how you change your body, life, and burn fat.


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