Today was good ole' Monday; everyone's dreaded day of the week. I started out in an especially rotten mood. Even a great morning cardio session could not change it. However, I changed my attitude after lunch and proceeded to have a great cardio session tonight at the gym. Do you ever have days like that? Where you are just in a bad mood for no particular reason? After a long day at work or class instead of going to the gym, do you just want to go home and crash? That's life and it happens. But fight through it. Tonight I wanted to give out a little motivation to ensure that all of my readers have a great week in their fitness journey.
Health and fitness is all about patience. That is why I think so many people give up so easily. That is also why people who actually do lose X amount of weight get praised. But the truth and the reality is, anyone can do it.
Losing weight, gaining muscle, any type of fitness goal one may have is SO much more than just having a great body. You physically, mentally, and emotionally challenge, strength, test, and push yourself. When you change your body, you change your life forever, because it's not easy. I am all about sharing my personal journey and struggles with weight loss because
I want to be my readers living proof that change will come with hard work and patience. I do a ton of research and studying to gain more knowledge of the industry that I love so much,
but most of all I tell you guys my life and my experience.One of the most gratifying things of this journey has not been about seeing my body change, but how I feel, and
how much stronger I am. My heart beats so happy and healthy. I started doing the StairMill reguarly in August of 2010. If you belong to a gym, you will notice that IF your gym even has this machine, they will only have one or two -- four at max. You will see tons and tons of Ellipticals, bikes, and tredmills, but not the StairMill. It is one of the hardest but most effective cardio machines.

I decided to regularly start doing it in August. I needed a challenge, and my new gym had finally opened so it was perfect timing. When I first started doing it, I was shocked at how hard it really was. I would do 10 minutes on the "Calorie Burning" program and I felt like I was going to pass out. When I would do that level, the fastest I would go is around 80-90 SPM (Steps-per-minute) which honestly is not that fast at all. When I finished I soaked in sweat and my heart was pounding. But I kept at it. I would make and push myself to do it at least four times a week. While on it, it was the most miserable 10 minutes of my life! It was hard, I was hurting, I was cussing myself out underneath my breath, and I wanted to quit.
But I never did. Truthfully, I loved the pain. Because that pain truly was weakness leaving my body. That was me getting stronger.
9 months later after countless hours on the tredmill, I now do it 6 days a week for 45 minutes. My warm-up is 90-100 SPM. I can step frontwards, turn around a tep backwards, and sideways, carry weights while stepping, and sprint at 150 SPM. My body has strengthened itself over 100%. Not only do I burn 5 times as many calories in a day, but I have raised my metabolism tremendously. And you or anyone else can do it too.
Believe and push yourself, hold no one but yourself responsible for your results, and LOVE that pain you feel when you are working. That is weakness leaving your body, and you getting stronger.Have a great week of training everyone!
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