- First thing's first: make a budget! I love budgeting and financial planning so I devoted a whole entire blog to the subject! Check It Out!
- Start paying off any debt that you have. Whether you are paying off a student loan, credit card, or car loan - get your debt paid off as quickly as you can. The sooner and younger you are the better. Having a bad credit score following you around in life makes everything so much more harder.

- Keep an emergency cash fund. A lot of people do not worry about this because "it wont happen to me" but absolutely can and probably will. It may be a flat tire or broken dishwasher or it could be a car accident. You never know. Keep money saved.
- Be patient with marriage and children. I know this is hard for a lot of people. Most dream of their fairytale wedding and perfect family. Take your time with this. Marriage and children take a lot of work, money, and time. Establish yourself first. The older you get the more you find about yourself, who you are, and what you want.

- Invest your money in something! I love investing and it fascinates me. I have definitely starting investing my money so over the next 20 years it can steadily grow. This is also a good idea so you do not spend it. Another example, If your employer offers a 401(k) or 403(b), take advantage of either option as soon as possible. In many cases, companies offer “employer matching” contributions; for example, for every $2.00 you contribute, your company may thrown in an extra $1.00.
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