Way over trained - made for a rough few days. + today is a special date.

I started off having a great weekend. I had a great week of training and was feeling good. I wanted to continue training through the weekend. I really hate not training. The gym is not a hobby to me. It is a huge part of my life. I hate not training. Not because I want to get my fat off (which of course I do), but because it is fun to me. I enjoy it more than anything.

Saturday marked my 12th day of training without "a day of rest". Granted, I usually have nearly 24 hours of rest between work outs because I work out at the same time every night. Plus, I never do the same work out twice during the week. So that is my defense for not taking a full day off from the gym. When it all comes down to it, I am stubborn and did not want too. Even with my education and experience, I know it was not the smartest thing to do, but still, I did it.

It is almost impossible for me to really sleep in anymore because my body is so used to getting up for work early all the time. I had gone to bed after 2 a.m. Friday night and at 9:30 in the morning on Saturday I woke up and was ready to go. I decided to go out to the mall and other department stores and go shopping. I ended up walking to the gym around 2 p.m. Admittedly, I was feeling tired but made myself go anyway. I decided to do an hour of low intensity cardio. I did the StairMaster (easy level 12), Elliptical, and did some side walking on the tredmill at an incline with the resistance band. Afterwards I felt fantastic. The low intensity cardio made my body feel rejuvenated and I wasn't nearly as tired.

I proceeded on with Saturday's activities and had a fun low-key night. By the way, go see "Due Date"; it is hilarious. I was getting ready for bed around 1 a.m. and my throat started to get a little sore. I did not think anything of it and went to bed. I woke up at 2:30 in the morning in the most pain I have felt in a long time. I had a fever but more than that, the body ache was incredible. I felt like I had gout all over my body. It hurt to walk and it even hurt with sheets on my body. I then woke up again at 5:30 with more body aches and a fever still. I took some medicine and went back to sleep. Well, at 8:30 I was up again. The rest of Sunday I ended up laying around all day and taking medicine - which I despise! I am way too hyper and active to lie around all day. Told you guys, I'm stubborn. So around 3 PM, I could not take it anymore! I went grocery shopping and picked up a late lunch. I was out for a little over an hour. Not surprisingly, that only made it worse. Sunday night Zack stayed with me and we had dinner and I went to bed around 8:30 hell bent on getting a good nights rest so I could work and go to the gym on Monday.

Once again, I woke up through the night with the body aches and fever. Zack even told me I was crying in my sleep! Weird! I called my mom, she has been a Nurse Practitioner for a long time and I told her what I was feeling like. I told her I didn't really have any "cold" symptoms except for a minor sore throat on Saturday night. It was more so just a fever and severe body aches. She was convinced it was because I really ran my body into the ground, so to speak. Yesterday I got a lot of rest and went to bed early again. I woke up this morning and made it to work. I felt terrible for a few hours this morning but now I am finally starting to perk up. The fever and body aches have subsided but I am still feeling a little weak. I definitely think after I take it easy this evening that tomorrow I will so be ready to be back in the gym. Three days off is more than enough. But I will definitely try to take one day off a week... (or week and a half, hehe). Be kind to your body!

Today is also a very special day because 11-16-2009 is when I totaled my car! I was on the way home from the gym (crazy, huh :P) and I was on my road where I lived at the time (I wrecked about 8 houses down from my house). I lived on super curvy road and they were putting new pavement on at the time (did not have a sign up either). My tires slipped on the new pavement going around a curve. My car flipped twice down a hill and landed upside down in my neighbors yard. My first thought was: "OMG, my neighbors are going to kill me for messing up their yard!" ha ha. My doors were crushed and I could not find my phone to dial 911. It just so happened that a Deputy Sheriff was driving me and saw my car upside down. He quickly came down to help me and pulled me out of the window. My freaking mom who has progressive MS came wobbling down the road trying to run to the scene after the D.S. called her. Thankfully, I did not even have so much as a bruise. The EMS was called and I had to go to the ER to get checked out, fun fun. But still amazing and SO thankful I wasn't hurt. God and life is GOOD!

Oh and the city of Reidsville definitely put a sign up at the beginning of my road after my incident. :)


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