Yoga for Cardiovascular Problems and Stress

Cardiovascular Problems

Though we boast of technological advancements and great feats in the field of medical sciences and surgery, cardiovascular problems are mounting and continue to haunt us. Our increasingly stressful and inactive lifestyles have led to heart diseases becoming the number one health issue plaguing the world. A psychosomatic disease, heart problems almost always start with the lifestyle and state of mind.

Though we celebrate our modern lives in many ways, we do not realize the threat it poses to our survival. Healthy living, of course, is a top priority for all of us and therefore it is best to resort to yoga and correct the damage done to the cardio vascular system of our body before it becomes irreparable. The benefits of cardiovascular exercise will go a long way.

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

An ancient system of self development, Yoga is a powerful technique that provides a holistic approach to help combine the physical, mental, and spiritual forces of the being for a well developed and healthy body. When the sage Patanjali laid down the ‘sutras’ of yoga, they became guidelines on how to make the human body stress and disease free.

Today, most people do not pay much attention to their body unless it becomes diseased and starts to crave attention. We fail to recognize our sickness and think of remedying it only when serious symptoms start to ravage our body. A better way to do things, therefore, is to address problems before they become aggravated and move beyond our control. There have been many studies to prove that the mind has a vital role to play in maintaining good health. If we nourish the body but fail to nourish our mind, our health begins to deteriorate and we find ourselves unable to figure out what has happened to us.

Cardiovascular Yoga

There are many poses in Yoga that can improve the health of the heart by improving blood circulation. They also help in the removal of toxic waste from the body and regulate the hormones to keep us healthy. Pranayama, an important part of Yoga, if practiced regularly under the guidance of a trained practitioner, can help control breathing and is an effective cardiovascular yoga exercise. Breathing, in turn, can help regulate the flow of blood and relax a perturbed mind.

When done on a daily basis, meditation before sleeping is a great way to calm the senses and relax the mind. With the mind relaxed, the brain is more responsive and the body is at harmony with the surroundings. Though this mental and emotional balance is a little difficult to achieve, with practice, one can perfect it.


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