Different Types of Yoga
Each of yoga’s poses help you become more aware of your body, understand the body’s needs, and increase self awareness. Other than a heightened increase in self awareness, yoga also helps an individual delve more deeply into the surroundings and understand the immediate environment with a more enlightened temperament.
It is recommended that if you have just begun to practice yoga, you should start with first experimenting with simpler the poses and that you are comfortable with. If you feel even the slightest of discomfort, you must discontinue.
Yoga has many poses. Some of them are practiced while sitting and others are practiced while standing. Many of the poses concentrate on regulating breathing, improving self consciousness, and increasing concentration. Whatever pose you are practicing, in yoga, you are never supposed to hold, force, or strain your breath.
Seated Poses
Standing Yoga Poses - Postures
The standing poses strengthen the legs and the lower part of the body. These poses are important in improving the sense of balance and are often used as a starting point to warm up for the other poses. The standing postures are said to provide knowledge of alignment of the body with nature and god.It is also said that all of the standing poses originated from the Tadasana or the mountain pose. The standing poses are important in a yoga routine and are generally performed in a fixed sequence. They invigorate the entire body and provide immense strength and flexibility. The Trikonasana or Triangle Pose, Parivrtta Trikonasana or Revolved Triangle Pose, and the series of Virabhadrasana or Warrior Poses are the different standing poses that are usually practiced.
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