By Samantha H Kiva
For many years, the old method of CPR deep breathing along
with chest compressions has been trained in all CPR classes
for the amateur and expert medical professional.
However, times are changing and so is the practice. To make
CPR more effective in emergency situations, there is a push
to eliminate the rescue breathing steps, just as checking
for pulse was removed awhile back for non-professional
The shift is not without controversy, but backed by two new
studies: one by the American Journal of Medicine (April
2006) and the other by The Lancet. The American Heart
Association also changed its guidelines in 2008, based on
these findings.
The reports looked at deep breathing and non-breathing into
the victim and found an increase or nearly 100% in chance of
However, CPR with rescue breathing as a major component has
been around since the 1960s. Any change is sure to be met
with resistance, especially if the change is a matter of
life and death.
Hands only CPR does simplify the often complex method of
mouth to mouth breathing along with the proper timing of
chest compressions. Most non-trained persons will make
mistakes during an emergency. Hands only CPR makes a
mistake much less likely.
So now without any rescue breathing, the CPR method has been
streamlined to just include chest compressions until help
You can not argue with facts and proper studies. However,
also you can not over look the personal factor. A recent
study shows many more people would be apt to get involved
and help if they do not face danger themselves. Most people
are concerned with the close personal contact with mouth to
However, it should be noted that this change in technique
does not apply to drowning victims. The new hands-only CPR
is intended for untrained rescuers and only when there has
been a witnessed cardiac arrest.
If you want to read more about Online CPR Certification
visit the ( National
CPR Certification Organization.
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