Q: Going from being so athletic, strict with your nutrition, and being able to train as hard as you want, pregnancy must have been huge adjustment. How did your training regimen change throughout the course of the 9-months?

Q: A lot of times women will gain well over the recommended amount with their pregnancy. How did you keep your eating under control? Did you experience a lot of ‘bad cravings’?
Many people who are into fitness, including myself, have at least some degree of control issues. It's not always a bad thing. We like to be in control of our bodies. We have fun setting challenges and goals for ourselves and we love seeing those results. But pregnancy is interesting. Pregnancy to some degree takes the control away from you. Pregnancy and those hormones do things to your body that you absolutely can not control. I said many times while I was pregnant, "For the first in my life, I feel like I have no control over my body." To a certain degree this is very true and I did not like that part at all. However, if I had given in to every single craving and just gave up on eating healthy, I'm sure I could have gained much more weight. The doctor recommended weight gain for a person with a beginning healthy weight is between 25-35 extra pounds. On the day I went into labor I had gained a total of 37 pounds and I did have to fight those cravings throughout pregnancy in order to keep my weight gain that low. It was a challenge to say the least. I did eat very healthy for the most part, just more daily calories and more variety of healthy foods. But yes, I had some crazy intense cravings throughout the course of the entire pregnancy. Most of the time I tried to avoid giving in, but occasionally I just had to completely indulge so the cravings did not become much worse.
Q: Some people love being pregnant and some women hate it. How would you describe your overall pregnancy experience?

Q: The first time you were able to work out/go to the gym after giving birth to Lucas, how did you feel?
One word: OVERWHELMED. That's how I felt the first time I ran outside 13 days after Lucas' birth. I mean, don't get me wrong, it felt great to finally have him OUTSIDE of my body and the day he was born was one of the BEST days of my entire life, but I still had A LOT of weight to lose. And I had clearly lost A LOT of strength and muscle from not working out the last 20 weeks of the pregnancy. I was no where near my pre-pregnancy athletic condition. But you know, I actually looked forward to the challenge of bringing it all back. I never doubted that I could get my pre-pregnancy body back- but it was COMPLETELY overwhelming at first. Three months later I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight and three and a half months later, I had my pre-pregnant athletic body back and visually could not tell that I even had a baby. Do not listen to any woman who claims that you will never see your pre-pregnancy body again. Those women unfortunately just don't know any better. However, let me be very clear that the results did not come easy for me: I had to work my butt off for my accomplishments.
Q: Did you feel any insecurities or pressure to go immediately back to your old body after giving birth?
Did I feel any insecurities or pressure to immediately go back to my old body? No. But you can not be in the athletic condition that I was in pre-pregnancy carrying that much extra weight and having lost that much muscle. It is physically impossible. I did not feel any insecurities or pressure. What I felt was a burning desire to have my old athleticism back in it's entirety. A side effect of getting that athleticism back was getting my old body back. I am not in love with fitness from a vanity perspective - I'm in love with fitness because I love being and feeling like an athlete.
Q: A lot of times, mom’s will make excuses or feel that they are too busy now to work out and focus on getting healthy again. What advice would you give them?
I wouldn't call it an excuse. It's not an excuse- it's a fact. Every situation as a mom is very different. Becoming a mom is HUGE life changing event. But just because you don't have time doesn't mean that you can't make time. If something is important enough to you- you will find a way to make it happen. Where there is a will, there is always a way. For the fitness enthusiasts moms I highly recommend having some form of cardio equipment in your home as well as a few sets of dumbbells, resistance bands, a bosu ball, a decline/incline bench, a jump rope, maybe a TRX, maybe a kettlebell, and a Swiss ball. I also HIGHLY recommend the BOB revolution SE running stroller with the infant carrier attachment so you can run much earlier with the infant carseat. I was running outside with Lucas (slowly and on a flat paved surface - obviously I did NOT have a c-section) 13 days after his birth with the BOB Revolution SE running stroller with the infant carseat attached. That IS the money stroller for any fit mom. Also I recommend finding a great gym that has a great nursery with a top notch childcare staff so you can drop the baby off briefly when he or she is old enough for a quick 1-2 hour workout/refresher/mommy sanity break. DON'T WISH OR HOPE- MAKE IT HAPPEN. Once pregnancy is over and the hormones level back out, you are completely in control of your body once again...and now you also have the the greatest title ever- "Mommy."
Emily no longer works as a Personal Trainer, but she is still glad to give advise and/or recommend a Personal Trainer in your area. Contact her here.
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