What Makes A Champion?

You learn a lot by watching people, especially at a gym. A few days a week I like to endurance train, so I am on a cardio machine for a long period of time. Most of the time I am lost in my music and sweat, but I also like to watch people. You have the one guy that has a  great physique and everyone knows, and he stands around talking so much that you wonder how he gets anything done. Then you have the barbie doll on the Elliptical for an hour, perfect hair and make-up... with jewelry and a matching outfit on - you wonder does she even sweat? I used to wonder if I even belonged in a gym.

But then, I see the overweight man or woman. It is taking every bit of strength and courage for them to be there. Through them I see so much heart and determination in what they are doing. They are not worried about their clothes and the only 'look' they are concerned about is there form during a particular exercise. That was me, that still is me.

Consumed by my people watching, I started thinking to myself; "What makes a champion?" Are accomplishments measured by trophies and other tangible objects? Sure, they can represent your hard work, but that is not what makes a champion. I believe a champion comes within and we all have in us, but it does not come naturally. Becoming a true champion takes a lot of work. Are you willing to work hard? Are you willing to sacrifice certain miniscule pleasures to accomplish your goals? Will you put forth the work now so you can enjoy later? Those are components to build a champion. 

Some days I can not even stand my own reflection. Impulsively I want to throw a brick at every mirror I come in contact with. Some days I put myself down constantly and even ask myself "What the hell am I doing this for?". Some days while I am lifting I tell myself "I will never be where I want to be". Some days I just sit in my car and cry. But on those days I have never given up. I have never walked away from this battle of becoming more fit and following my dream of competing. The first part of becoming a champion is never giving up. Each day you have to continue to try. You may lose one battle, one day, but you have another one tomorrow you can conquer. Today's mistakes become tomorrows lessons learned.  My alarm goes off at 5:30 AM and sometimes I did not fall asleep until after 11 PM or midnight because my mind will not let me rest. Do I want to get up for cardio? Hell no I don't. Do I do it? Hell yeah I do. It isn't easy. That is when training and changing your life becomes mind over matter.

To become a Champion, to have accomplishments (especially in fitness), and to change your life you cannot lazy and you have to teach yourself there is no quick fix. Put forth the time and effort to not just do what needs to be done, but LEARN. Learn how to properly train, learn correct eating habits, and learn to discipline yourself.

A pledge to myself in
Becoming a Champion:
I believe in myself even when others do not.
I want to give up sometimes, but I never do.
and I will give more, when I feel like giving up.
Every tear that falls from my eye is weakness leaving my body.
I will give "one more rep".
I can go 5 more minutes.
Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.
The pain is my body's way of growing stronger.
I am unbreakable because I believe in myself.
I am unstoppable because I am in control.
There is no tomorrow, so I have to start right now.
I am a champion because my strength comes within.


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