I have made it no secret throughout my writings and interviews that I struggle with proper eating. I have grown to love it... most of the time. But I am still human and I still have work everyday at disciplining myself and making the correct choices when it comes to eating.
Where my true love and passion comes in, is fitness training. I could probably live at my gym if they would let me. I could camp out near the StairMill? However I know a lot of my readers and friends struggle with it. You're tired, you have worked hard all day, you want to come home and watch a movie, and be lazy, etc. I have heard all the excuses. I wish I could pour my love of exercise into everyone, but it just isn't that easy. Thus today I am going to share 5 reason why I am crazy about exercise and they have nothing to do with looks. I hope in turn this can contribute to giving you a little extra motivation for your work out tonight... and for the rest of the week.... and for the rest of your life!
Learning to believe in myself -

Great Health-
I can't rave enough about this benefit of exercise. Coincidentally, great health can save you lots of money. When I was 19 years old and I went to the doctor weighing 274 pounds, my metabolism wasn't very high, I had high blood pressure, almost morbidly overweight, the doctor needed to run tests on my thyroid, and my moods were up and down a lot. To say the least, my physical was not very good. If I were graded, I probably would have been issued the embarrassingly low grade of a D-. Well, decided to change my life, lose 100 pounds, and get myself healthy. I went to the doctor on June 20th, 2011 for a physical and not only is my metabolism above normal, but my blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, and blood cells are all normal, happy, healthy, and functioning properly. You can't ask for better news! Keeping yourself healthy not only assists in prolonging the years of your life, but promotes the prevention so many different diseases.Exercise helps fight depression -
Instead of taking a pill everyday, try exercise. Now true, there are chemicals in the brain that may not be functioning correctly and need the assistance of medicine to make everything balance out, but a lot of times if you just feel sad, try exercising. I battled with depression on and off my entire life, and when I started exercising regularly, it help dramatically with my mood. There is a scientific element behind it as well; exercise releases endorphins, a "feel good" chemical in your brain.More energy throughout the day -

Better Sleep-

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